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Maintaining a workout plan with a busy schedule


Photo by

Olivia Coghe, Creative Director


College is already busy enough with your 15 or more credits, multiple clubs, and a part-time job – it can be hard to find time to fit in being “fit,” but it’s not impossible. Your fitness ambitions don’t have to be pushed aside just because you’re in college and that’s what is typical.


One of the first things you need to do is sit down and establish some goals. These should be achievable goals - not that you want to become an Instagram fitness model in 2 months. Setting these achievable goals will help to not make you feel so bad if you don’t quite make it to the goal. Some achievable goals would include: going to the gym three times a week, decreasing your minutes per mile, or working up to a heavier lifting weight. Write down these goals somewhere you will see them every day, either in a planner or a whiteboard in your room. Seeing your goals every day will help to remind you what you need to do to achieve them.


The second step of creating a gym routine and sticking to it is looking for time in your schedule to work out. Sit down with your class, club, and work schedule, as well as a calendar. Plan out when you can get to the gym each day, whether it be in between classes or before work. Having a set time each day to devote to the gym already scheduled out will help you commit to going. If you don’t plan out a time to go, you’ll feel too confined by your schedule and homework and end up not going.


After you create your goals and schedule, the next step is actually being at the gym and deciding what to work out. Your workouts should consist of things you enjoy doing. If you like weight lifting and yoga, but instead try to make yourself run and do cardio you’re going to end up hating the gym. It is important to find activities you like, so you keep coming back, and you feel good about your workouts. There are so many different ways to be active – you just need to find what works best for you.


Another way to stick to your schedule is finding someone to go with. If you and your friend both want to start working out regularly, you can motivate each other to continue to follow through. Having another person with the same schedule and similar goals will keep you honest. Working out with a friend can also be fun and make going to the gym a breeze.


If you can’t make it to the gym because your schedule is too tight, or you don’t want to pay for a membership, there are easy workouts you can do at home in between homework and studying. You can find short bodyweight exercises and yoga flows on YouTube, or even go for a walk around campus. Gyms aren’t always necessary when getting in shape, especially if you’re in a time crunch. It’s important to find time to make your health and mind a priority, not only in college but in life. The benefits can be rewarding for increased mood, energy, and memory, as well as improve sleep.

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