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Why we can’t afford you being apolitical

Julia Guerrein, Editor-in-chief


 For as long as I’ve been an aware person, I’ve been interested in politics. That includes everything from  the divisive issues that turn friends into enemies to understanding how a bill is passed. In high school I took AP Government and Politics and went on a trip to D.C. that solidified my fascination with government and politics.


Why do I mention this? Being involved and engaged in politics comes easily to  me because I love learning about it. I am passionate about advocating for what I believe is the correct way to proceed. There are many people who feel the opposite of how I do--they shun politics and may even intentionally stay ignorant.


On the day the Senate voted to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh, I had a close friend of mine (female) ask who Kavanaugh is. I was taken aback, but stayed silent rather than confront her about it. I’ve talked to another woman about her disinterest in politics, and, as she said, she “just doesn’t like it” and it doesn’t make sense to her.


I’ve heard other people talk about how they don’t want to be involved in politics. This is simply not acceptable. It does not matter if you do not like it. The issues that are being debated are important to many people’s lives and the people who are voted in, whether that be a school board member or the President of the United States, have the power to change things in a way that will affect your life. This isn’t an if, it’s a when and how.


Whether or not you are being directly affected by an issue should not matter. People whose rights and life are at stake need allies. It is my responsibility as a citizen and as a decent person to care about the unique struggles that people who do not look like me and who do not have the same life experiences as me face. I want everyone to have access to the opportunities I have, like the ability to receive an education and health care. It is my duty as a human to fight alongside those who need me. And I hope that other humans fight alongside me when I need them.


One of the reasons we have Donald Trump as president is that too many people didn’t care. They waived their right to have a say. I know people who do not know who their representatives are. How can they represent you if you don’t know who they are? How can the person know what you want the government, from local up to federal, to do if you don’t even know what you



Gone are the days where I sit silently when people express their disinterest and distaste for engaging in current events and politics. We need to work together to make this world better and no one should pass on that opportunity. Being able to ignore politics and current events is truly a privileged position to be in, and more people need to recognize that the U.S.’s system is unique and many people around the world do not have the opportunity to participate in democracy.

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