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Lion Entertainment Board's membership slips, current members urge students to join

Anna Schmitt, Staff Writer


Penn State Behrend’s Lion Entertainment Board, or LEB, works throughout the school year to create and promote events around campus. LEB is responsible for the weekly “Behrend After-Dark” events held on Friday nights as well as at least one other event per week. Each event is planned and executed by a team of students. The Lion Entertainment Board prides itself on providing “entertainment for the students, by the students.” However, LEB has seen a decline in membership in recent months. According to the executive director of LEB, Connor Shearer, the struggle has been ongoing over the past two years. LEB currently consists of the executive board and roughly three general members attending weekly meetings. This lack of consistent membership is problematic for LEB as the organization relies on student involvement to function properly.


So why are students not joining LEB? Though a decrease in student involvement across campus may play a part in the issue, it seems plausible that many students are unaware of LEB’s existence or of their need for general members. “LEB, I don’t think, is known for having a need for general members. It’s only like, e-board,” says Karina Cuadrado, a senior computer engineering major. Without knowledge of LEB, students cannot be expected to get involved.


According to LEB advisor Clark Tieman, the organization is an affiliate to Student Leadership and Involvement. The purpose of LEB is therefore to “provide a service for students in a way that isn’t being functionally applied by their academics and isn’t necessarily being applied by any office on campus.” Connor Shearer, a Senior software engineering major, explains that, “the purpose of LEB is to provide various types of entertainment to the student body.” To that end, Shearer notes that organization, “provides, on average, two events per week.” These weekly events can range from featured musicians or comedians to make and take craft tables. Each event is planned and carried out by student members of LEB.


There is a place for general members at every stage in the event process. Though the actual work of planning falls to the organization’s entertainment specialists, general members are able to provide insight and feedback on previous events and ideas for new ones. Once the event has been planned, general members have the option to assist with the setup prior to the event or with the tear-down at the end. “I feel like general members are the ones who have the most fun,” says sophomore plastics engineering major and entertainment specialist Ashley Puder, “They get to take part in everything without any of the responsibility!” LEB holds a general meeting at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday nights in Reed 114. Shearer notes that “there’s really no process in becoming an active general member, just show up to a meeting and we welcome you.”


The Lion Entertainment Board works to offer a welcoming environment to all students. “You don’t have to worry about if you’re an engineering or science or business major. Whether you’re in an engineering major, or you’re in accounting. Whether you’re an extrovert, introvert, international student, or you were born and raised in Erie – LEB really has a place for everyone,” explains Junior software engineering major and the publicity manager Daryn Watt. Allison Kuzora, a Junior biology major and entertainment specialist and business manager, adds, “We always welcome new ideas and new people to organization.” Uvindu Fernando, a Freshman petroleum and natural gas engineering major and entertainment specialist, urges students to explore the possibilities within club, saying “I didn’t regret joining LEB and I’m sure they wouldn’t regret it either.” James Knoerdel, a Senior elementary and early childhood education major and entertainment specialist sums it up: “Don’t hesitate!”

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