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"The Carolyn Tome Show" on BVZ Radio

By Kym Drapcho, Arts and Entertainment Editor


“The Carolyn Tome Show” featuring Communication major Carolyn Tome, Software Engineering major Robert Parise and Computer Engineering major Moises Cruz has a premise that is  hard to put into words--even according to its hosts.


“It’s a show about nothing,” said Parise. “We were thinking about having Jerry Seinfeld on our poster.”


Instead, its structure is based around the friends’ natural chemistry.  Having met in the Behrend dorms their freshman year,--the hosts gave a heartfelt shoutout to their former home, Niagara Hall--the now-seniors use their radio show to tell humorous stories about their lives, from just their everyday activities to shows they might be watching to their experiences on the Erie nightlife scene.  


“It’s a lot of storytelling: A lot of anecdotes, a lot of trying to kind of keep with a theme. So we’ll start somewhere and have an idea of what to talk about, but we go on so many tangents but we always end up back on track,” said Tome. “We talk about weird things that happen to us, weird things in our lives.”


“We’re basically just three friends that bicker with each other and talk about things,” added Parise.


The show’s spontaneous energy comes from the fact that it is, mostly, spontaneous.  The show’s theme is typically chosen day-of, and the hosts don’t typically follow a script.  Rather, their banter is based off a list of pre-planned talking points--but these points are subject to change, should their conversation drift.


Overall, the lack of structure makes for a light-hearted and humorous conversation between three friends who obviously go way back. In this week’s show, in no exception to the hosts’ tongue-in-cheek vibe, the theme featured “Songs that Carolyn Hates,” including--first and foremost--“Jar of Hearts,” by Christina Perri.


The hosts mostly strive to stick to light-hearted topics, relying heavily on their natural interactions to add humor to the show. Their conversation is emphasized by the variety of music that always reflects their theme.


So far, the hosts have been sticking mostly to alternative and rock but are open to playing other genres. Though they could easily name genres they haven’t played yet, the three only had one major restriction.


“We will never play country,” said Cruz, who both Tome and Parise easily admit has the best taste among the three of them.  


Though the show mostly demonstrates the hosts’ longtime friendship, their show does not come without some light-hearted bickering. A controversial topic between them is the shows misleading title, as “The Carolyn Tome Show,” clearly features more voices than simply Tome’s alone.


“I did the show by myself last year, and it got lonely.  But I branded it.  I was trying to be the next Howard Stern, even though I’m not edgy,” defended Tome. “So, these guys are still apart of it, but I’m going to keep the brand.”


“I don’t think we care enough to argue about it.” Parise admitted.


“I do, but I don’t have the energy,” Cruz added.


. Overall, whether they agree on the name or not, the hosts urge Behrend students to tune in.


“You have to go into our show with an open mind and expect nothing,” Parise warns.


Catch “The Carolyn Tome Show” Monday nights at 7 p.m. on BVZ Radio through TuneIn streaming.

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