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Starting a professional wardrobe

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By Alexis Webster, Staff Writer


For many students with an 8 am class on a Monday morning, it can become routine to pick up a pair of sweatpants from the floor, rewear a slept-in hoodie, and head to class without a second thought. This is a luxury that will fade away for most students as they graduate and head into the workforce where blazers, suits, and pantyhose are part of a more appropriate attire. However, with internship and job interviews, events such as the Career and Internship Fair, and even important class presentations, starting a professional wardrobe in college is important. With our professional futures drawing closer with each day, here are some tips to slowly start a solid foundation for a professional wardrobe while still in college.


Ashley McCann from USA Today College recommends that male college students purchase at least one jacket, two pairs dress of pants, two dress shirts, two different-colored ties, one pair of black dress shoes, and one pair of brown dress shoes. McCann also suggests that women buy three professional tops, two fitted jackets or sweaters, two pairs of pants or trousers, one dress, one pencil skirt, and two pairs of low heels or flats at minimum to begin their professional wardrobe. Of course, these are just the recommended foundations for a wardrobe, but both men and women could benefit from adding a few accessories to an outfit. For example, women may want to consider adding a neutral-colored bag, simplistic jewelry, and a thin belt for both shirts and pants. For men in the professional workplace, a tie clip, cufflinks, and dress socks may be appropriate as well.


While shopping for an all-new wardrobe, especially on a college budget, price plays a large role when deciding what to buy. When it comes to some items such as shirts and ties, as long as they look professional, where they come from should not matter. For example, outlet shops and thrift stores can offer a variety in a business wardrobe at a price that cannot be beat. For example, at Burlington Coat Factory, men’s dress shirts and women’s professional pencil skirts starting at $12. However, other pieces in a wardrobe are worth an investment. For example, a watch can tie together an outfit and make a statement of professionalism; it may be worth spending a little more in order to have the long-lasting quality that comes with a large price tag.


Lastly, color is an important factor to take into consideration while building a professional wardrobe. Through psychology studies, we know that color can be a make-or-break factor during a job interview. Different colors suggest different traits. For example, blue tends to be a widely-liked color that gives off an impression of loyalty, whereas yellow can be considered creative, yet distracting. A writer at Color Psychology says, “It seems that employers appreciate more the sober and cold colors, like black and blue, or grays. The worst colors you can pick are the brightest ones, like orange or yellow. They are considered to be too loud for an interview.” Whether you chose to express yourself through inexpensive, simple, and neutral pieces or pricey, statement-making, bright items, make sure you represent yourself in a way that is true to your own qualities and choices.

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