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How to push through the remaining weeks

Photo by

Adna Tabich, Staff Writer


Another semester is coming to an end which means finals week is right around the corner. In other words, it’s the time of year that everyone has to finally push through the procrastination to study.


Procrastinating is something every student is familiar with, but it seems to get ten times worse around the end of the semester. The upside is, there are many ways to stop procrastinating and start focusing because failing is never an option. The best ways to prepare for finals are with eating healthy and exercising. This will help your memory and stress levels, without the sluggish feel junk food gives you. Getting a full night’s sleep is another crucial part of finals week. Not only do you need to be energized to study, but it will improve the quality of your studying.


There are many different types of studying techniques as every student is different and needs to find what makes most sense to them. Monet Rexford, a sophomore psychology major,, says she finds it most helpful to study with people. “I love when my friends and I have classes together because I found that working with them is easiest,” she states. “I know some people might get distracted, but I need the extra noise to be able to focus easier.” For Rexford, it’s convenient when she has questions because they are right there with her. Even when her friends don’t have the same classes, she still enjoys heading to the library in groups to study.


Often, working with people can be even more motivating. It can be beneficial to have people around you with the same goal, and if anyone gets off task you can encourage each other to start working again. Conveniently, Behrend has group study rooms in the library, so groups of people can work together without disrupting others.


On the other hand, some people need complete silence which is okay too! Luckily, Behrend also offers single study rooms in case someone needs complete silence to focus. Jacob McAndrew, a sophomore civil engineering major, states, “I can’t work with people at all. I get too distracted, I just want to talk to my friends.” He typically turns his phone off or deletes social media so that he can devote his attention to studying. McAndrew also notes that he uses the Behrend single study rooms, saying that even the library can be distracting with people coming in and out, but the study rooms keep enough focus on you and your work.

Studying doesn’t have to be scary or time consuming. As long as you get into a routine and make sure you have the best method that works for you, you can push through finals week with flying colors!

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