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a basis for relationship trouble?

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By Olivia Coghe, Staff Writer


Cell phones and social media give us access to other people all over the world 24/7. This constant state of connectivity opens new doors for creating content, friendships, and relationships. The internet has brought us many great things like memes, vines, Instagram, and YouTube. With social media continuing to rise, we have run into some interesting issues like oversharing, subtweeting and a new term called “micro-cheating.” Some people link this term to emotional cheating. People aren’t necessarily sleeping with other people, but are participating in other actions that might make them less involved, mentally and emotionally, in their current relationship. According to dating expert Melanie Schiliing, the exact definition is “a series of seemingly small actions that indicate a person is emotionally or physically focused on someone outside their relationship.”


   Just like there are different levels of cheating, there are different levels of micro-cheating as well. It ranges from keeping someone’s name in your phone under a code name and having private jokes with a person of interest to liking an Instagram post, thinking about another person, or checking an ex’s social media. While some of these actions may make someone feel uncomfortable, it doesn’t necessarily mean their partner is cheating. The activities mentioned cover a wide range. Some are obviously not cool, but is your significant other simply liking another person’s Instagram post grounds for calling them a cheater?


   There is a point where this name calling can become abusive and detrimental to a relationship. You are likely putting pressure on your significant other to behave a certain way if you are labeling some of these things cheating. By putting this pressure on them, you could be being controlling them without realizing it. Trying to control your significant other’s every move isn’t healthy and isn’t possible. If you feel threatened by an Instagram like, there might be some underlying issues you need to consider. In this case, doing some soul searching and evaluation could help you understand why these things really bother you.


Everyone’s relationship is going to be different. Some people are okay with their significant others sleeping with other people or having another emotional outlet. It’s important to talk to your significant other and create an open forum where you can discuss your feelings. Perhaps in your significant other’s last relationship, their partner didn’t care if these actions were taking place. Your significant other could just be in a habit and not even know these things are hurting you. Every relationship is going to be different and has different boundaries, and it is important to discuss those boundaries.


Trust and communication are super important in any relationship. Without those two key players, relationships tend to fall apart. Letting your significant other have regular interactions outside of the relationship is healthy. Your significant other is going to like other people’s Instagram pictures or maybe go out to a bar without you sometimes. You shouldn’t be their whole world. Figure out what rules and boundaries work for your relationship, and ignore this new buzzword that could negatively impact your relationship for good.

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