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ISO celebrates Halloween at UGates

Grace Hu, Contributing Writer


On Wednesday, there was a Halloween party organized by the International Students’ Services Office (ISSO) and International Students’ Organization (ISO) along with the Culture Cooking Club (CCC). The organizations held the event in the common room of University Gates Apartments from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.


This is the first time ISSO has had the opportunity to host a Halloween party. One of the planners for the night and a staff member of ISSO, Riki Hay, explained that when ISO partnered with University Gates Apartments to host the event, they responded quickly, wanting to participate.


The party featured several intriguing elements such as small pumpkins, glow in the dark sticks, and funky food. “Paint your own pumpkin to take home” was donned on the desk for students to see. Most students choose to draw laughing faces on them, and did not take them home. Students did not wear glow stick on their wrists. Instead, they built the glow sticks into different structures like buildings and towers.


Students also took advantage of the plentiful colored pens and choose to draw items on their faces. Students ran back and forth threatening friends with the colored pens.


For those students who didn’t partake in the coloring fun, ping pong was available all night long. The ISSO, ISO, and the CCC used funding from the school to offer diverse food at the party. The food was all named according to the spooky theme. The food table featured blood cakes, dragon’s blood, witches fingers, and bloody goo.


Hay wanted to host a Halloween party for the international student population to showcase the American Halloween traditions. She thought that organizing a party would be a good way to attract more international students because there are a large number of international students living in University Gates Apartments.


Most of students who came to the Halloween party did not wear any costumes. But for those who did, there was no expenses spared. A lot of girls wore makeup like Harley Quinn, who uses red lipstick to imitate blood on her lips. One gentleman embraced the spooky spirit as he used black cloth to hide his whole body except his shoes. Leaving his face unseen to other party goers. Using a red light on his face to illuminate his eyes.


Hay stated that she wanted more students to participate in this event; even though most of the students who attended the party were international students, she emphasized that the event was open to everyone.

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