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"Try and dive a little

deeper this year"

Mary Smith, Staff Writer


The school year has finally begun and, for many students across the nation, their new regiment consists of school, studying, possibly work and drinking after the long week. Young adults that enter into college have this new freedom that lets them fly away from the, in some cases, strict rules of their parents.


Entering into a new school, and maybe in some cases a new town, often means new friends, activities and a new you. In a new environment, no one knows you. In some cases, you feel like you have no one. So why do we build our social lives around the liquid encouragement of alcohol? Students find themselves at a loss when they are put into the awkward, yet freeing position of being unknown. The stereotypical commonality that links us together as college students is partying. College is iconic for partying, usually with large amounts of alcohol in the picture. For some people, their friends by the end of the four years consist of Chad who can take the most shots, and Brad who is king of beer pong. So why do we isolate ourselves in a sea of people who don’t care?


Life as a college student can sometimes be lonely. You are stripped from your emotional support system that might consist your friends from high school, family or even old teachers and coaches. Whoever it may be, it is important to build up a new system. Our friendships during these few short years are often built around partying - or so comes the stereotype. Emotional connection in our life is starving. Feed it. Feed it with friends that are built from sheer interest and empathy. People who care more for you than your beer pong partner. Find some depth in friendships.


The congregation of people at a frat house and the bars can be one of the loneliest places we find ourselves as students. It becomes even more isolating when you figure that out. Don’t fall face down into the shallow puddle of friends from the weekend, but rather dive into the ocean that this campus has provided you with. Endless opportunities are walking the halls of Kochel, Burke and Hammermill. Be brave enough to explore. This fear we have of not making friends in college is masking the fact we don’t have true friends if they are just your Friday, Saturday, and Sunday friends. Don’t you want more? Your soul might be yearning for it. Find the depth in the friendships and relationships you have been craving. Become a little less unknown this school year.

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