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Designer inspired by working-class men

By Alina Sharkey, Contributing Writer


When thinking of high-end fashion, what usually comes to mind? Runways? Models? Probably women, right? That’s because women are associated with the fashion industry and men are often times put on the back burner.


Most ads on TV or in magazines are marketed towards women because women have more fashion options. News related to fashion usually involves women or brands marketing towards women such as Victoria’s Secret and Chanel.


But not so fast—Willy Chavarria, a high-end fashion designer from California, is trying to change this stigma. According to Fashion United, his new Spring 2019 collection will take a spin on working men, such as firefighters and construction workers. But even more so his aim is to celebrate the heroic men that wear these clothes such as men of color. It will focus on immigrants because he admires how they come to America and turn work clothes into something beautiful. He feels connected to these men because he himself grew up blue collar and wants to honor these hard-working men with a fashion line to commemorate all their hard work.


He considers himself a political designer and, according to The Washington Post, states, “I always use my shows to flash some awareness about what I think is important.” A peak at his collection will show the public that it consists mostly of larger, baggier clothing because that’s what Chavarria prefers to wear. What’s even more interesting is that he wants his clothing to be affordable to these blue-collar men since that’s where his inspiration stems from. According to the Washington Post, all of Chavarria’s garments have a thumbnail-sized label stating “Capitalism is heartless.”


According to, his clothing is a way for him to connect with other citizens, a way to empower others. This particular collection aims to send messages about race, social class and sexual identity. Chavarria also decided to partner with Danish soccer brand Hummel. According to, “The collaboration will also serve to offer sponsorships to New York City soccer players with documented and undocumented U.S. citizens offering support to immigrants, another key element of this season for Chavarria.” In this partnership, there is potential to greatly increase his sales and recognition and not to mention help lives. He also utilizes other staples, such as a photograph of Maxine Waters, a woman of color in Congress, on the front of a t-shirt. This new collection makes what could be a lasting statement in fashion to men all around the world.

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