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The Internship Series: Security services intern in Dubai

Photos by Craig Miranda

By Rachel Frye, Lifestyles Editor


Internship opportunities can be found all over the world. When applying for an internship, the location of the company and where you will be placed is a huge factor. Over the summer of 2017, senior, Management Information Systems major, Craig Miranda spent his time as an intern managing Security Systems in a company that cannot be mentioned due to a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).


The interesting fact about this internship is that it was located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Miranda found a big interest in this internship due to how closely it related to his major. “There is an alignment between my major, what I would like to do in the future and the congruence with the company. Cyber Security is very important in today’s time and this company is one of the biggest in Cyber Security within the Middle East,” Miranda said. This company’s job is to provide Cyber Security services and solutions in the Middle East.


As far as responsibilities and duties during this internship, Miranda had plenty and was always busy. He stated, “I did a lot of coding and working with the Security Operations Team (SOC). I also supported in developing and maintaining the MSS lab environment and helped with the development of the MSS customer portal.”


Going into the internship, Miranda was not sure what career path he wanted to take with his major. Although, once he dove into the work within MSS, he found a passion. “I learned so much from this internship and was able to find a passion for this type of work. My career path has definitely been reinforced,” Miranda explained.


Although this internship kept Miranda busy, he was able to find some down time after work during the first month. He spent this free time looking into cyber security products that the company he worked for was affiliated with. He continued by saying, “I was fortunate enough to obtain 13 certificates; both in the technical and sales realm, in technologies like Splunk, Palo Alto, etc.”


Miranda always looked forward to going to work. He was eager to learn new things, face new challenges and grow from all the knowledge he was given. As far as future job opportunities, Miranda has faith that this internship has given him a solid foundation. “In December, I graduate and will be looking for full time jobs. I could apply to this cyber security firm or a vast range of cyber security firms in the US or abroad,” he said.


Miranda is excited to step into the real world, but he knows that the transition will be different. “Transitioning from a student into the corporate world requires two things; application and responsibility. Application means the willingness to apply oneself on the job and even outside of the job. Responsibility means to be able to ensure that you fit into corporate culture and can be effective and efficient with the task handed over in a timely manner,” he explains.


With high hopes, Miranda is eager to begin to look for job opportunities as his graduation nears in December.

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