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Fenty Beauty:

Rihanna's newest frontier

On September 7th, Rihanna revealed the Fenty Beauty makeup line, a collection of products that would surpass the boundaries of modern makeup. Each of her products has a specific skin tone in mind, and the product proposes that it will match almost perfectly with a consumer’s skin. Say goodbye to the orange tinge, ladies, Rihanna has the solution.


Ambiguousness is what Rihanna seems to have strove for with the creation of this product. All of the makeup is tailored to certain skin shades, but she leaves no woman behind; there are forty different shades of foundation alone. When prompted by Refinery29 about why she created Fenty Beauty, Rihanna stated simply, “I wanted things that I love. Then I also wanted things that girls of all skin tones could fall in love with. In every product I was like, ‘There needs to be something for a dark-skinned girl; there needs to be something for a really pale girl; there needs to be something in-between.’”


Taking her idea to heart, Rihanna’s products not only consist of a dominating skintone variety, but also a variety of undertones. Everyone’s skin has a certain undertone. Skin undertones can be green, red, blue, even pink, as a result of pigments reflecting more than just one wavelength of light. Fenty Beauty has taken this information into account and developed a beautifully tailored line that is designed to be a perfect match for any girl.


In addition to the initial reveal of the new makeup line, Rihanna has promised another add on to her collection. September 21st, the official Fenty Beauty instagram page dropped a sneak peak of the holiday collection, which will drop on October 13th. The entire palette is galaxy themed, and perfect for Halloween, consisting of beautifully composed metallic and shimmer shadow shades as well as sparkle lip gloss. Makeup containers for the collection are gorgeously drafted, with some even involving a metallic rainbow gradient lid.


Needless to say, as soon as the revolutionary product came to the market, many shades sold out immediately; shades are still sold out in stores. It has been more than three weeks since Rihanna dropped her makeup line, and the hype still has not died down. The revolutionary success of the initial Fenty Beauty release leaves consumers and critics with one question: what’s to come?


The sample pallette prepared by Sephora in JCPenney’s was astounding. There were at least twenty different shades of concealer and foundation. Highlighter colors popped and came in a wide variety, a favorite being the golden, shimmery compound. Almost everything that was applied was sheer unless made for heavier purposes; the overall outcome of the different cosmetics were airy, as the makeup gives the wearer a luminous, natural look unless wearing a heavy foundation. All in all, Rihanna’s new products would make a fantastic addition to any makeup collection. The only problem was that the store didn’t have as many products as advertised on the shelves, it seems they were low on stock for some foundations.

Photo by USA Today


By Abra Gold, Staff Writer

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