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U.S. adult obesity rate reaches all time high

Research released on Friday by the National Center for Health Statistics reported that obesity among U.S. adults has reached an all time high. According to CNN, about 40 percent of adults and 19 percent of youth are obese. The rate of obesity has increased dramatically since 1999, especially in adults. Since then, there have been no signs of change in the rate.


From 1999 to 2016, there was a 30 percent increase in adulthood obesity and a 33 percent increase in childhood obesity, reported CNN. The government set a goal in 2010 to reduce obesity as part of the “Healthy People 2020” initiative. The “Healthy People 2020” website covers a variety of health related topics including information regarding heart disease and stroke, respiratory diseases, and health services. The goal from the “Nutrition and Weight Status” page is to “Promote health and reduce chronic disease risk through the consumption of healthful diets and achievement and maintenance of healthy body weights.” The page explains how maintaining a healthy weight and diet can be addressed individually through policies and environments that promote healthy behaviors.


The data also displays a disparity between people of different races. Among adults and youth, Hispanics have the highest obesity rate, followed by Non-Hispanic blacks, non-Hispanic whites, and Asians. This is not a new trend, but Michael W. Long, assistant professor at the Milken Institute of School Public Health at George Washington University, advises the issue should remain a primary concern. According to CNN Long states, “This equity issue is a serious problem that will lead to disparities in health and life expectancies for the next entire generation of children,”. Long proposes that improving the disparity between races regarding obesity may involve improving benefits in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which gives families healthy food, housing vouchers and home energy assistance. Putting policies into place, establishing or raising soda taxes for example, could help establish an incentive for people to pick a healthier option.


In order to witness a reduction in childhood obesity, there needs to be changes both at school and at home. Effective health programs and nutritious school lunches are essential to helping children live a healthy life. A healthy home is also very important. Families should avoid fast food, eat healthy meals together and plan family activities that promote physical activities.


Obesity has not only increased in the U.S. Worldwide, the number of obese people has tripled since 1975, reported the World Health Organization (WHO). Obesity is a major contributor to health complications and is entirely preventable. Many people who are overweight are also malnourished since the foods being consumed do not always contain the necessary nutrients.


Experts recognize that obesity may not be easy to overcome, but it is important to become healthier as a nation and world to decrease healthcare costs and improve both the length and quality of life.


By Julia Guerrein, Editor-in-Chief

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