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New housing program for incoming engineering and DUS students

Penn State Behrend launched a new program for incoming Engineering and Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) students that allows them to choose to live with their major. This has launched this fall and will continue for next year.


Michael Linder, director of Penn State Behrend Housing and Food Services, mentioned that he is unsure of how this came about, but that it was requested by residence life. “Residence life came to us. I don’t know how it got to them but they came to us and they said this is what we would like to do,” Linder said.


The purpose of this launch is to allow incoming students to make friends and study partners within their major. It allows them to meet people in their classes, study with a friend, and get to know people that are interested in the same things as them.

At this point in time, it is only available for those two majors and depends on the school for the ability to make this choice for all majors categories.


Carson Williamson, a junior Chemistry major, wishes that this option was available for all students in all majors. He states, “I think that being surrounded by people in the same major would allow for an easier way to study for exams and do homework. This also means that you automatically have something in common with the people you live with, as well as your neighbors. It would be a great option.”


Linder mentions that making this available to other majors is entirely up to the academic portion of the school. He stated, “If we are to move into this direction, we need an academic component from the schools supporting it. So if the schools feel like it’s a value to them, feel like it’s something they want to do, we will support them in that endeavor.”


Jacob Burgard, a senior Plastics Engineering major, stated his opinions on the housing change. He mentions that he would rather experience diversity and live with all majors in a hall instead of a specialized hall. He said, “Coming in as a freshman, it is good to live with other majors and experience diversity.”


Rena Gerber, a junior Interdisciplinary Business with Engineering Studies and Supply Chain Management major had a different idea. She mentioned that if she had this option she would have lived with all Engineering students. She said, “If I had this option, I would have lived with the Engineering students because I think it would have helped me study and make more friends within my major. I think living with the same major will give you more resources you need in your life after college.”


As of right now, Niagara Hall is 100 percent engineering students and it is overflowing into other buildings. Students in DUS are placed in Perry Hall. The plan for the next coming school year is to keep Engineering and DUS students in these halls.

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By Corrina Tucker, News Editor

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