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Finding your Routine

At college, there are two different morning routines, one during the week and one on the weekend. The one during the week is roughly the same for everyone-sleep until the last possible minute, get up, get ready and go to class. From asking around, it seems to be more common that students do not eat breakfast before their first class. Breakfast can be known as the most important meal of the day, so whether you eat breakfast before or after your first class, it is important to eat. Personally, I rarely wake up extra early to eat something before class. I might grab a granola bar and eat it on the way to class if I am hungry.


If you are not a fan of waking up extra early before class, do yourself a favor and grab some fruit or a granola bar and bring some water with you, as well. This small meal will keep you energized and awake during class. Daniella Diaz, a junior Communication major has a specific schedule to follow in the morning, but still makes time for breakfast. “I start off my day by hitting snooze a couple of times at 6:30 in the morning, then when I finally get up, I go to the gym and work out for about an hour and a half. I go back home and shower while I leave something cooking at a low temperature for breakfast. Then I eat as I do my makeup and hair. Finally, I get dressed and head out the door to make work at 10,” Diaz said.


One of the best ways to maximize your time in the morning before class is to pick out your outfit the night before (based off the weather for that day) and have your bag packed. The rest of the time needed to get ready is different for everyone. I usually need at least half an hour, but I set my alarm for an hour before because I like to hit snooze. In doing so I’m giving myself time to wake up.


On the weekend, most can agree that sleeping in is the number one priority with the exception of students that have jobs, who are athletes or are a part of organizations that require them to get up such as Greek Life. With these prior obligations, you have to plan your weekend around them. If there is nothing to do on the weekend, sleeping in until noon is not a bad idea. Waking up and then making a big breakfast is personally how I love to start my weekend. Everyone has their own morning routine and once you get into that routine every day can go by so smoothly.

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By Alina Sharkey, Contributing Writer

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