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Thirteen reasons why you need to watch this

If you are looking to start a new series on Netflix and have no idea what to start, listen up, because this TV show is one you cannot miss.


The show, “13 Reasons Why” was released on Netflix on March 31, 2017. This show was originally a book that was wrote by Jay Asher and published in 2007. Here we are in 2017 and they decided to make it a one-season show on Netflix.


The plot of this show is about a high school girl by the name of Hannah Baker who commits suicide and has 13 reasons why she ended her life. The show begins with all the decorations on Hannah’s locker as Hannah narrates her own story through a tape recording. After school one day, her good friend Clay Jensen receives a package on his front porch. Inside this box is 13 cassette tapes from Hannah her self. Before Hannah died, she decided to connect the dots between anyone and everyone who ever hurt her and tells her story about each of those 13 people. These 13 people had a huge impact on her life and led her to committing suicide.


I decided to watch “13 Reasons Why” when I saw on the news that there was overwhelming positive reviews on this show and Selena Gomez, the executive producer, was shocked and so ecstatic about the reviews from all the viewers. I was honestly hooked halfway through the first episode. The show was relatable to me personally, and probably many others, because we have all been through or are still going through high school. High school can be a scary and horrible place and this show really takes you back to those difficult times and allows you to witness all the horrible things that happened at Hannah Baker’s high school. This show has a good amount of swearing, bullying and sexual encounters in it. Once you get closer to the end of the show there are a few episodes that can be hard to watch. I personally had to look away at different times because it became too much to watch for me.


This is the type of show that every one going into high school should watch. It can bring awareness to others and change how you act towards others. This show is also one that makes you feel tons of emotions. I felt sad at times but happy at others and then even terrified at different points throughout the show. This show was made so well and is very down to earth. There were no scenes in this show that were over dramatic or poorly acted out. In shows about high school, you often see actors being over dramatic or struggling to properly act out a certain scene. I am not sure how some of the actors and actresses acted out some of the very sexual and graphic scenes. Some of those scenes consisted of sexual assault and if I had a hard time watching it I honestly do not know how actors and actresses can act that out.


This whole show is eye opening to what a single person can go through. Hannah was not treated well in high school and was a victim of bullying and much more. The show is a mixture of Hannah’s voice on the tapes, scenes from the present and scenes from the past. With these three different points of views, it allows the viewer to be well rounded on their knowledge of Hannah’s life and all the people who hurt her.


The way that this show was produced is absolutely phenomenal. It can be a hard show to watch, but it is real and I feel like this is a show that everyone should at least attempt to watch. It is unclear if there will be another season to the show, but after you watch the first season, you will be praying for another season. There are only thirteen episodes in the first season and in every one I learned something valuable. You never know what someone is going through, so take a second and think about that the next time you go to gossip about someone or if you see someone being bullied, do the right thing and stand up for him or her.

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April 11, 2017

By Rachel Frye, Lifestyles Editor

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