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Winter is Coming


Mary Smith, Contributing Writer


Winter is coming...and Erie is renowned for its harsh winter. Whether winters are baron and bitterly cold or there are copious amounts of snow our winters are usually more extreme than not. And I love it. Most people of Erie complain about the crazy winters that grace our city, but I embrace it. Winter brings you to a different time and place. The earth is barely recognizable under the blankets of snow or the nakedness of the tree. There are new sounds and smells. Activities, fashion, and even feelings and emotions change too just like the trees.


I am not sure if we winter lovers are the ones who were brainwashed by their guardians who have also had this weird love for the cold season. I have come to figure out that most of us who not only like winter, but Erie winters usually have some form of activity that keeps us sane during the dark days. I love to ski. Every snow bunny has their fix to get them to Spring whether it be skiing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, snowboarding or even reading a good book can entertain people in one of the more lackadaisical seasons. Actually being able to enjoy the snowflakes that not every town or state gets to enjoy is like your own secret pleasure. Not everyone knows what snow is like, but we, the Erieites, know all four seasons. I think that this is a privilege that we should try and enjoy. Get out this winter and play.


The fashion of winter is also a plus to the winter season that is upon us in a few short weeks. You get to wear almost two to three times as much clothes that you do in the summer. One of the ways that we express ourselves is through our fashion. How are you going to do that when you wearing barely any clothes during the summer months? The layering and boots allow for optimal expression. Also, you are not showing off more than half your body which means you do not have to worry about having that beach bod which is a huge plus. Winter clothing is another reason as to why winter should not get such a bad rap.


Erie’s winters are notoriously long and dark. Many people get seasonal depression and though there is much healing the sun and warm seasons have to offer, our cold friend Old Man Winter has much to offer too. Winter is poetic to me. A time of isolation that can be lonely, but you can also have some reflection. Walking outside during these cold times the air seems a little quieter and every sound a little more intimate. I am all for spending time alone, I think that it is necessary for your mental health. Rather than dwell on the loneliness of winter, use to spend time with yourself and reflect. People are not bustling around us at all time, so this is a time for self-reflection. Find some solitude in the quietness that winter gives us.  Do not let the winter blues get you down.


I am one of the few that love winter but I think that everyone can become a lover. Find some joy in the activities that winter has to offer. Find a favorite coat and beat up a pair of boots. Keep yourself warm and cozy by covering up a body that has room to gain weight since it is covered up most of the time. Indulge in some extra cookies. During the dark days that seem a little lonelier find a little more out about yourself. Winter is coming, but try and give it a little bit of love this season.

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