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Hey, Bea, Hey!

As a kid, arts and crafts were something that our parents gave us to do to keep us busy. From coloring books to Play-Doh, we stayed pretty occupied. Crayola is a popular name in a child and parents’ eyes, because Crayola makes all the fun tools needed to color in a coloring book, draw or complete any other crafty task. Just recently, Crayola announced their newest addition to their crayon boxes. They added a new blue crayon that is now called “Bluetiful”. According to, “Bluetiful” was one of the five finalists in the “Name The Blue” contest, which began in the beginning of May. Some other names that were possible options for the name of the color blue were, “Reach for the Stars”, “Dreams Come Blue”, and “Star Spangled Blue”. In order to bring this new color aboard the crayon family, Crayola retired the yellow-hued crayon called “Dandelion” on March 31st.


The crayon, Bluetiful, now has a nickname, which is “Bea”. Bluetiful is a female and has a particular personality and many interests and hobbies. She says, “I may be shy at first, but I love to share BIG ideas with new people especially ideas for new inventions or creative projects.” Bluetiful loves coding apps, video games and relaxing with fun DIY (do it yourself) projects. With her interest in coding and video games, she is also an advocate for STEAM education. For those who do not know, STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math.


With the release of this new crayon, Crayola did receive some mixed feedback from their audience. Some people took their thoughts and comments and posted them on Twitter for all their followers to see. One women who did not appreciate Bluetiful’s name said, “Of thousands Eng & foreign words for new blue hue, @Crayola mangles real word, fails at teaching kids color name AND spelling. #bluetiful.” Although there were many who were not for this new name, others felt that it could be an opportunity to teach children something new. “#bluetiful Or…we can make this an *opportunity* to teach kids about portmanteaus and neologisms…nah, let’s get outraged instead, right?,” another audience member mentioned on Twitter.


When you think about just how involved some people are getting with this new color of crayon you just wonder why is it that big of a deal. According to Julia Aguilar, she felt that it was due to this generation or day and age. “Guys, we live in a day and age where people are offended by THE NAME OF A CRAYON COLOR. I literally can’t even. #bluetiful,” she said.


Now matter how the audience feels about Bluetiful, she is here to stay until Crayola finds a reason to replace or retire her. Kids will continue to love crayons, so at the end of the day adults can say what they want about the name of the new crayon, but they aren’t really the ones using them.

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By Rebecca Howard, Staff Writer

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