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Youth suicide rises within last 40 years

Youth suicide rates have become an increasing epidemic domestically. It is the second leading cause of death amongst ages 10-24 and is also considered the second leading cause of death for college students. In general, suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the U.S. Death by suicide is more rampant among teenagers and young adults than cancer, AIDS, heart disease, stroke, pneumonia, chronic lung disease and influenza combined according to the CDC in 2015. According to the Jason Foundation, an estimated 3,470 attempts at suicide are made each day by youth in grades 9-12. Based on this information a shocking 1,249,200 people attempt suicide each year.The influx rate of suicides has spiked with females.  When it comes to gender, boys tend to have higher suicide rates than girls in general.During 2007 and 2015, the suicide rate for boys increased by 30 percent.


An analysis from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention has shown that suicide has risen to a record high in 40 years, in 2015. The rate doubled between 2007 and 2015 alone and is steadily rising. A Vanderbilt study found youth suicide occurred more during fall and spring, rather than summer; and in time of economic prosperity, suicide rates are relatively low.


Suicide is becoming an alarming public health problem. Experts consider there to be various reasons for the rapid increase of suicide and mental health issues amidst the youth. Some of the reasons include social media usage, economic issues, family issues, bullying and depression these factors are believed to influence adolescents reasoning. The major factor being blamed is social media and bullying combined. Bullying occurs on social media sites making it harder to escape or ignore. Based on a Pew survey more than 71 percent of teens say they use more than one social media site.


Executive director of the Suicide Awareness Voices of Education, Dan Reidenberg says, “People often think that teens can’t get depressed or anxious, but they can”. He believes, “We need to make it okay to talk about things that are causing emotional pain”.


Rural areas seem to be taking a larger hit in overall suicide rates in the U.S. The CDC reported that suicide death rates in rural areas nationally were higher than medium/ small metropolitan counties and large metropolitan counties. Experts believe this is due to the a lack of access to mental health services, in rural areas.


Youth demographics for suicide when it comes to race, appears to be lowest between African Americans and Hispanics. However, caucasians show suicide rates two to three times higher than African Americans and Hispanics. Overall, youth suicide is a problem that is continuously rising and affecting our nation.

By Paulette Francis, Staff Writer


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