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Terry Crews speaks for survivors

Terry Crews took to Twitter Tuesday, revealing his experience has a survivor of sexual assault in Hollywood.


The actor, most recognizably known from Old Spice commercials who is currently featured in the Fox sitcom “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,”  revealed his experience amidst the dozens of women speaking out about sexual harassment in Hollywood.  


This topic was sparked after Harvey Weinstein, perhaps the most powerful movie executive in Hollywood, was accused of sexual harassment and assault by upwards of 30 women, including Angelina Jolie, Rose McGowan and Gwyneth Paltrow.

“This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD. Why? Because this kind of thing happened to ME…,” Crews tweeted Tuesday. “My wife n I were at a Hollywood function last year n a high level Hollywood executive came over 2 me and groped my privates.”


Though Crews’ experience did not include Weinstein himself,--Crews does not name his attacker--he demonstrates the extent to which harassment and assault are hidden in a culture of corruption, obligation and fear.


In the 16 tweets through which Crews detailed the attack, he also revealed the reasons why he--as well as other victims of sexual assault--did not come forward or fight back.


Among these reasons, Crews stressed, was how his reaction might have appeared to mainstream media--particularly in terms of his size and race.


“‘240 lbs Black Man stomps out Hollywood Honcho” would be the headline the next day...only I probably wouldn’t have been able to read it because I WOULD HAVE BEEN IN JAIL,” Crews tweeted.


Crews continued on to recognize reasons beyond his own experiences, stating that he now understands why victims are unable to come forward.


“Who’s going 2 believe you? (few) What r the repercussions? (many) Do u want 2 work again? (Yes) R u prepared 2b ostracized? (No),” Crews stated.


To conclude his allegations, Crews offered his support to all those who have experienced this type of sexual trauma--both in Hollywood and outside of these careers.


“I understand and empathize with those who have remained silent.  But Harvey Weinstein is not the only perpetrator,” Crews tweeted. “Hollywood is not the only business where this happens, and to the casualties of this behavior--you are not alone.”


By coming forward, Crews added to a conversation typically veiled:  not only sexual harassment and assault in the workplace, but these traumas committed against boys and men.


By Kym Drapcho, Arts & Entertainment Editor

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