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The first return home: Labor Day

With the first two weeks of school behind us, college life is finally starting to sink in. Undoubtedly, the adjustment to the college lifestyle is challenging with classes, homework, and irregular sleeping patterns. However, without a curfew, complete control over the day’s schedule, and a newfound independence, the perks of college freedom can be liberating; well, that is until we return home for Labor Day weekend.

After the first return home, it is difficult trying to balance being an independent young adult and the kid who was just sleeping at home less than a month ago. Not only that, while there is an obligation to visit with family, there is also homework to be done and high school friends to catch up with. Keeping all this in mind, returning home for the first time could give anyone a lifestyle whiplash. With a few simple tips, holiday breaks can be as relaxing as they were intended to be.

Be prepared to have rules again. Yes, it can be frustrating to be told what to do, but to be treated like an adult, one must play the part. Unfortunately, this may mean compromising some of that freedom of an unrestricted curfew. However, demanding respect and arguing against the rules are not exactly adult behavior. Unfortunately, home is the parents’ domain, but the best thing to remember is that when they set rules, it is mostly just their way of guaranteeing that they get to spend time with their college student.

Avoid making plans that last the entire break. Breaks are called this for a reason; they are supposed to give time to relax. Don’t feel obligated to make time to see everyone. As if it was not stressful enough to go home, fitting everyone into a short schedule can be tricky. If every second of a break is spent making plans and catching up with old classmates, it can be just as draining as having class. Make time for close friends, but remember that breaks should create time to breathe and relax as well.

Coming home for the first time can be overwhelming. College tends to shape and transform us into a new person who can eat pizza at Bruno’s at 1 a.m., watch Netflix for hours on end, and keep the dorm as messy as preferred. Whether the change was wanted or not, it happened. Going home can make it seem like it didn’t, but be thankful for the old times, and appreciate that the only lecture over break is the one from your parents.

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By Alexis Webster, Contributing Writer

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