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Beating the summer blues

goodbye summer.png

Photo by

Carlie Bright, Lifestyles Editor


If you’re anything like me, you entered the summer with high hopes as usual. You had day trips planned in your mind, longed for endless days in the sun, maybe even a nice vacation or two. But these were all just expectations.


Don’t get me wrong – I made some great memories this summer and enjoyed the break. However, unfilled summer expectations always leave me feeling a little down by the time classes roll back around. And from what I hear, I’m not the only one who suffers from these self-inflicted sorrows


Sure, some of you probably traveled on amazing vacations this summer around the world. But others of us likely spent these past few months working for either money or experience (or both if we’re lucky).


Long story short … summer is over. And it’s time to hit the books. But don’t let this be the end of your fun. We’re all here to learn and to build a strong foundation for our futures but the college experience doesn’t end there. Finding friends and having some fun can actually be equally as important as going to class.


Not only is having a good social life a wonderful feeling, but it also boosts your health when you have a little boost of happiness and confidence.  According to the National Library of Medicine, social relationships have both short- and long-term effects on our health – for better or worse depending on how we choose to lead our social lives.


So let your friends be your anchor and have some fun! What better way to enter the school year than by spending time with your friends after being apart all summer? Or maybe you’re entering your freshman year and making some new friends …  Get to know each other! These will likely be some of the closest friends that you make in college. Your social life will play a large role in this new experience.


But if you’re still trying to beat the summer blues, realize that just because school has started back up does not meant that summer is actually over. Maybe the idea of it as “summer break” has ended, but the warm weather and local summer opportunities still await. Hit the beach, hike at the gorge, just find anything that interests or excites you and enjoy a little bit of time away from the stresses of college. Because I promise you – there will be many more to come. The quicker you learn to overcome them, the better off you will be.

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